Collaborative Behaviour Assessment
- Design and facilitating the assessment process
- Training internal assessors
- Design and facilitating the assessment workshops
- Supporting the selection process
The Rationale for Collaborative and Behavioural Assessment of Suppliers
- To assess the willingness and ability of the tenderer to work collaboratively (both company culture and project team/individuals)
- To signal MTRC’s expectations and commitment to work collaboratively
- Sets the scene for the whole project – The procurement process is the first step on the relationship journey between the client and the supply chain partner
- To drive the supplier to allocate their ‘more collaborative’ staff to the team
- Assess the risk to the project of engaging a supply chain partner who has ‘traditional’ mindset and behaviours
- Set the percentage weighting of ‘behaviours’ in the overall selection criteria (10% to 60%)
- Decide on the rigour of the assessment process
The CBA Process
- Facilitating development of a ‘Win Strategy’
- Bid Team development for
- Bid Preparation,
- CBA, Presentation or Interview
Many bid teams are not consciously aware about what the client is specifically looking for during an assessment workshop and generally are not aware of how the client perceives them during the bid process. Our process will add huge value to the assessed team because we know what the behaviours the client team are looking for and we know the sort of workshop activities that are likely to be used to test those behaviours. But most importantly we can give you some skills in ensuring that the assessment team notices the right behaviours and gives a ‘tick’ to all the items. The tricky thing, however, is to demonstrate what the client is looking for in a natural manner, and not appear to be ‘acting’ or having been coached. There is only one way to look natural; to actually embrace the behaviours, truly!
Our intention will not be to train team members to be clones, far from it, we all have our different psychometric profiles, which is what makes us different from each other. We need, in general, to retain those differences, but seek to eradicate those traits that are counter to collaboration and capitalise on those that are conducive to collaborative working. Collaborative behaviours cannot be convincingly ‘faked’ over a series of different sessions, we must really embed true collaborative thinking in each and every team member.
Step 1 is selecting the right team. The client is likely to invite between 5 and 20 Key Individuals to be part of the CBA, often asking for specific project roles, so a critical part of the process is to engage with a shortlist of possibilities to assess their suitability.
The development of the team will start with a fundamental understanding of collaboration and collaborative behaviours, our process thereon focuses on observed self-facilitated practice sessions with data-based feedback together with team and individual coaching which will hold up the mirror; ‘how will the client perceive our team?’
The assessment ‘scoring‘ is the core of the CBA evaluation as the assessors need to have an auditable trail to the outcome, but we believe that the ‘feelings’ of the client team members can also be influential. We need them to be emotionally involved in the process, we will focus heavily on techniques for the engagement of the Client team members – we need all the involved Client people to be feeling that your team really understands the importance of forging an integrated team and is capable of doing that right from the outset.
The discussion sessions will be around actual topics that are common in CBAs.
Our approach will focus on the whole team being actively involved and a fully engaged at all times, not only in the tasks and their own behaviours, but also how the whole team is operating and behaving. Each individual will need to be ‘put on the spot’ throughout the development process and be prepared to take the feedback that the JCP facilitators and indeed their team members will give. The JCP team will critically assess the performance of KIs throughout the process and discuss with the Sponsor Team any actions that need to be taken in respect of additional coaching or even the need for replacement of individuals if necessary.
A key part of the development program with be the use of ‘actors’, who need to be senior members of your organisations, who will act in the role of Client team members. We will give them some coaching on how we would like them to behave. We will also insert some interruptions to give the team some practice in changing their game plan if necessary. We will suggest that 2 full half days are planned for this.
Throughout the training we will integrate various ‘teambuilding’ elements, so that the team members know each other well and behave like a fully functional integrated collaborative team. This should be supplemented with some evening social events.
We can support client organizations who wish to enhance their supply chain selection process by designing and facilitating the CBA process. This will include the training of internal, assessors, who must own the selection criteria, scoring and outcome.